A punny book: Batman’s Greatest Enemy" by Joe Kerr. Joke by Daniel K., Needham, Massachusetts0 commentsLoading...
WILLIAM: What is Batman’s least favorite playing card? MAX: I’m not sure. WILLIAM: The Joker. Joke by William D., Snowflake, Arizona 0 commentsLoading...
JOE: What’s the Joker’s favorite candy? JACK: What? JOE: Snickers. Joke by Braeden A., Murfreesboro, Tennessee0 commentsLoading...
CONNOR: What is Joker’s favorite candy? NICHOLAS: Tell me. CONNOR: Snickers. Joke by Connor P.1 commentsLoading...
A punny book: "Batman’s Greatest Enemy" by Joe Kerr. Joke by Daniel K., Needham,Massachusetts1 commentsLoading...