JEAN: Why was the dog afraid of the clock? KEN: Tell me. JEAN: He was scared of its ticks. Joke by Jean M., Ankeny, Iowa0 commentsLoading...
Scout: Why was the Scout afraid to take a watch on the camping trip? Scoutmaster: I do not know. Why? Scout: Because you told them to watch out for ticks. Joke by Allen C., Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 1 commentsLoading...
JOSIAH: Do you want to hear the joke about the tick? NOAH: Sure! JOSIAH: Never mind. It’ll probably get under your skin. Joke by Josiah L., Clarksburg, West Virginia 0 commentsLoading...
JOSIAH: Do you want to hear the joke about the tick? NOAH: Sure. JOSIAH: Never mind. It will probably get under your skin. Joke by Josiah L., Clarksburg, West Virginia2 commentsLoading...