A man was recovering from minor surgery when a nurse walked in and asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” the man replied. “But the surgeon said a four-letter word that really bothered me.”
“What did he say?” the nurse asked.
Joke submitted by Jake M., Tucson, Ariz.
A man was recovering from minor surgery when a nurse walked in and asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” the man replied. “But the surgeon said a four-letter word that really bothered me.”
“What did he say?” the nurse asked.
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I like it. Even though I saw it in the magazine it was still good.
its ok kinda funny!
It’s a great joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grade:A+
Not bad I guess.
not the best
it was a very good joke that originated from the himalays and ,but came to america by transportation of ship… FIVE!!!
ive seen the top25 and this……is…………………………….O.K
Well you’d think that he would say oops to make it funny.
good punchline
It could be “ooops”
why not just ask the doctor, seriously
HA HA HA HA! Thats a good one:-O
I dont get it really 🙁
That was a good joke 😉
He could have said oooops and it wouldnt have been four letters
it was O.K. about 85% :{
I had surgery not to long ago and am I glad they had me totally asleep. If I had heard him say that I would have probably jumped up.
ok why is that a top ten joke BBLLUUUGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(
NOT funny herd that 7698147736152468644235 times 🙁
goooooooooooood one
A great joke 🙂
scale from 1 to 10 =9
he he
was ok…
What kinda joke is that??
3 stars
Ha ha funny
not good
uh-oh. Wouldn’t want to be that man.
1 star
dude that so borin
ok now I get it!! that was good
there was at least a little brain behind that one, some have none at all.
nice 🙂
really some are pretty lame. they have no imagination.
sorry thats just not that funny 🙁
I’m not going to wait when the doctor says”I wondered where I used my A-bomb
heh that was AWESOME!
May be in the middle of surgey he (the surgoen) should GHHHHHTT! (stop)
i dont get it =(
like what dd he mean by oops
that joke is sortof fuuny
ha ha ha ha
heard it befeore to many times
Very good
don’t be a bad mistake.=~(
not bad not great
hmmmmmm. The sergon cut a rong body part, so now he lost the ability the body part aloud him to do. I hope it wasn’t peeing
I hope the surgeon didn’t lose his big rolex in the guy :p
i am a girl and this joke is really true because when i go campin i get covered with bites!
i say girls should get banned from website!
jokes kool though hope the doc didn’t lose his glasses or mouth protecter thing in the body or cut the guys upperdermis.
Yeh Subba! get the girls off it’s Boys Life not Girls!!!!!!!!!!!
i think he was the skydiver in the golfer and skydiver joke.
so wat did he do wrong?
likeme13 bugs bites are nothin compared to wat happens on hiking trips and campouts in boyscouts
Haahaa!!Clasic joke.
ok 1 word BORING that is a bad joke
great absolutly great
thats alittle sad!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like it a lot. =)
Who here agrees with me that girls should be kicked off?
that happened to my grandfather he got eye surgery and the doctor was like: well, ive never seen that before! it was ok though
P.S i agree with t-foot.
me to!!! Y would they call it BOYS life???
That was from a book but still good
U cant kick girls off?!? Girls like this so called ‘guy’ stuff 2
really wierd and not that funny. 3 stars.
great one
come on
Ok, guys, you could probably get us ‘kicked off’, but you couldn’t keep us off! and there isn’t anything that could keep us from reading our brother’s magazines and logging on with his name! seriously, don’t you guys have something better to do than gripe about us?
becca, this magazine is called boys life for a reason.
subba in (in comment page 7) is right.
that joke was pretty funny
pretty good
I like this one!
Sounds like something out of Wierd Al’s song Like a Surgeon 😀
i hope the “oops” wasnt him accidentally pulling his intestine out
dead? life? i dont get it
this made me lol
pretty good
(laughs hysterically) BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! good one
oops i loved it and i have a girl