A guy walks into a store and asks the clerk, “What’s that?”
The attendant says, “It’s a thermos.”
“A thermos? What does it do?”
“It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.”
“Oh, wow! I’ll take one back and show the boys.”
So the guy buys the thermos and returns home to share his discovery.
His friends ask him, “What’s that you got there?”
“A thermos!”
“A thermos? What’s it do?”
“It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold!”
“Really? Whatcha got in there?”
“Two cups of coffee and a popsicle.”
I love it love it love it
The joke ” A Thermos” is one of the best jokes I have ever heard!
This joke is great, its really funny!
This is one of the best jokes I have ever read! I even told it to my parents. LOL!
LoL! wow, that’s good!
ya that is funny
that was so not my type
It was pretty good
I don’t get it.
my name says it all…
Great joke !!! LOL
That’s a funny joke! What an idiot! LOL Two coffies and a popsicle???? ROFL
he’ll be surprised when he looks in that thermos 🙂
yeah,i agree with misterman,he’ll be surprised when he looks in that thermos! 🙂
The joke is “Joke Of The Month” LOL Good joke Trent.
It is Joke of the month LOL
Great! I get it. . . but HOW do you put coffie and a popsicle in a thermos?
already heard it in the May issue but i give it four stars
What does ROFL Mean???
really funny
I told this one to my troop at a campout and they were laughing for several minutes!
w00t !
I LOVE story jokes. There just always funny.
😉 funny!
to rocko169:ROFL means rolls on floor laughing