I get this joke, and I think it’s very funny! However, I noticed that another person who left a comment didn’t understand the joke at all. I’ll try my best to explain.
*The title of the book is How to Reduce Your Hours of Sleep
*The writer of the book is C. Esta
*Cesta means to sleep. (I think the world is Spanish.)
*If the book is about reducing sleep, and the author is C. Esta (his name means to sleep), then the book would have “never been written.”
I dont get it.
I get this joke, and I think it’s very funny! However, I noticed that another person who left a comment didn’t understand the joke at all. I’ll try my best to explain.
*The title of the book is How to Reduce Your Hours of Sleep
*The writer of the book is C. Esta
*Cesta means to sleep. (I think the world is Spanish.)
*If the book is about reducing sleep, and the author is C. Esta (his name means to sleep), then the book would have “never been written.”
to eloborats a litte more on SS-player, a siesta is a spanismexican word for the nap taken at noon in mexico. It’s funny 4stars.
yes. very funny
I agree with 9garfeild99. no stars
GREAT JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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