Warped Wiseman wonders: “If the No. 2 pencil is so popular, then why is it still No. 2?”
Joke submitted by Emily N. D., Middlesex, N.C.
Warped Wiseman wonders: “If the No. 2 pencil is so popular, then why is it still No. 2?”
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No. 2 is HOT!!!!!!
i dont get it can some 1 explain??
That is funny.
i know seriously why dont they make some no. 1?
good question
why no.2 anyways
I wonder why too.
its the seize in the led or its the color of shade of the pencil that makes it what number it is.
i mean size
Number is graphite grading scale. #1 is softer and darker and prone to smudging. #2 is Goldilocks, not too soft and not too hard.