Tim: Why don’t you play golf with Jeff anymore?
Tom: Would you like to play with a guy who moves the ball when you’re not looking, changes your score and cheats all the time?
Tim: Nope.
Tom: Neither did he.
Joke submitted by Caleb L., Hagerstown, Ind.
Tim: Why don’t you play golf with Jeff anymore?
Tom: Would you like to play with a guy who moves the ball when you’re not looking, changes your score and cheats all the time?
Tim: Nope.
Tom: Neither did he.
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Have you seen a cheaten person? well I Have and it is you
not funny
This is funny but it took me a sec. to get haha.
REally funny
Kinda funny
it’s a pretty good joke, but I kind of didn’t get it.
i love it!!!!
GREAT joke!
Man that was good one
Just like me
Pretty good
HA ha ha ha ha! i dont think tim will play with tom either anymore!
i didnt think it was that funny
I heard this before. Wait. I think it was in the magazine. VERY clever joke!
Very very very fuuuuuuuuuuuunnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Get it Tom was cheating
I thought it was a funny Joke! one of the two best. 武士
Tom I am sorry I can not play with you anymore, but putting this joke about our personal relationship is absurd I am expecting a sincere apology
that ant me or is it
I was laughing when I finished reading it, but I have read funnier.
It was really good.
FUNNY!!!!!! (At first I didn’t get it)
now that is funny!
This one of the funniest jokes!!!! I LOVE it!
the worst joke ever! (just kidding, its the best and funniest)
very funny
That’s really funny.I wish it could have won PEDRO’S PICK.
HA – HA – HA!!!!!!!!!!! That is one good joke!!! I like it, Caleb!
I have a pal named Jeff I tell this joke to him all the time
Funny joke!
what a switchero
Bravo!!! NOT!!! It’s just a take of a…..
OOOh!!! I just got it… Sorry I bothered you
tee-hee ho-ho it was funny
It WaS good but is it a real story??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well… my brother thought that it was funny. 😛
AHAHAHHA I can see why its #1
Well thats one for 18 holes!!
too many coments!
Great one!
Hey guys its my birthday tomorow!! 14!
i don’t get it
congrats samurai on your b-day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!&
not the greatsest joke ever, but it was o.k
LOL………I like golf jokes
it’s okay….not the best..but good
No joke on BL has ever made me laugh.
PS Pradude, you spelled “comments” wrong.
That was a pretty funny joke.
ittt waaazz gggoooooddd
is hilariously indifferent and has made me exuberant
I gave it 5 stars good joke!
Yeah, This joke is a one of a kind
it was alright i herd better
No matter what anyone else says this joke is awesome
I hate it when people cheat. They do it to me all the time.
It’s an awesome joke, though!
its the worst joke ever and boys life never comes out with good jokes there all bad
actually boys life has some really good joke
my name is caleb l to.
sez who cway 5? It’s not bad. I agree with Orange Jake!
I heard this joke 1,000,000 times & I still don’t get it. Wait… it’s coming to me… Ha Ha Ha!
one of my favorite jokes
i hate golf i lose no cheaters either
and how could you not get it was pretty simple
the punch line: he said nethire did HE impling that tom cheats
I liked the joke so much I had to forward it to my golf loving coworkers (only after personalizing it with their names). And when I saw what Jeff had wrote below (I continued laughing)
Jeff says:
Apr. 6, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Tom I am sorry I can not play with you anymore, but putting this joke about our personal relationship is absurd I am expecting a sincere apology
thanks for the good laugh Caleb!
haha…that was so funny i forgot to laugh
It makes you think the opposite at first.
I prefer the one where a chincila scares of a lepord
just had to say i wrote that in boys life a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry just wanted you to know so one star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard that one before
mine is better
A book never written: How to fly by Bettu kant illistrated by yoe wright
It is not that funny! 🙁
I like the hospital joke better no offense.
That joke was really funny. Good job 🙂
It isn’t that funny!
come on
ok-iget it
Everyone who doesn’t like this is jealous
how is this funny
my guts are spilling as we speak
it was surprising
Now thats funny!!!!!!
Come on! this thing is LAAAAAME
marine, he was the cheater -.-
This is the oldest thing on the PLANET!
Everyone dont be so negative!!!!!
It was F U N N Y tho.E L E P H A N T S R O C K!!
This joke, i think, is the best on this website
that’s an odd bit of reverse physcology. 2 thumbs up!
i dont get it- again!
I get it Tom was cheating & then Jeff didn`t want to play with him anymore.It bends your brain!
this was a good joke
looool good one
Yes, but i don’t like people who are cheating and using the own score.
I just started at golf… did he?
🙂 who would ever resort to those sort of tactics?… hehehe….
Funny stuff, you should put some more jokes on.
he changed the subject for no reason.
um, read that joke, but with pool, but always funny
that is funny
Although I have heard it before, jokes are usually better a second tim 🙂
CHEATER!!!!!!!!but funny even if its old:-)
this joke was kind of boring
I don’t get it?
I didn’t really get it. My Dad started laughing though- he understood! 🙁
i get it but its not funny
It’s one of the only ones that made me laugh a little
Hey skate-board-guy,ask your dad how he understood.
thats funny, but i’ve heard several times before.
Hahahahaha now thats funny
This Is really cool!!!!!!!
Cool joke 😎 🙂
I don’t get it… 🙁
ha ha good one i like it
Jeff doesnt play golf with Tom anymore cuz he keeps doing all that stuff
this joke rox my sock. but not both. just one 😉
Sounds like someone I know… 😉
great oh and how do you make smieles anyway
I like it.
I don’t get it…………..
I get it tom does all that bad stuff 🙂
It’s funny, yes… but that person took it out of reader’s digest…..O_o
i like this jokes but the one i like most 4 men waiting in the hospsttel
Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaly funy
I don’t get it
I go with Navycoat I have a friend who cheats and braggs ALL THE TIME
that is good i know people like that
verry funny
dont get it
5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 good one!!!
Man, I wonder what his friend said back. ,,,(-.-),,,
very funny,veeeeeeeery funny.
Good Joke 4 STARS
😆 999 star. cool
laughing on the ground
Funny! I wouldn’t want to play golf with him anymore either!
this joke is pretty good
i bet when he was playing golf his was swearing all over the place
nice joke(i like how you told it!)
Saw it comin. Very predictable!
Pretty good, but I don’t think I would say that about myself, yah?
😆 😎 🙂 HAHAHA!!
cool joke!! i liked it alot!! keep them coming!!
Hilarious :] 😆
I like this one =P
that is a very funny joke
Haha… nice. Five stars
Haha nice. Funny.
I think that is funny. 5 stars
lol, i thought it would be jeff who cheats at first
Lol ha ha just how my dad plays LOL
Oh, that joke was funny! Good one!
not bad… man that is like the best one i have heard in a while….
oh man i laughed so loud when i read that
BEST joke eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best on dis site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha! Poor Jeff. He should play with Tim now.
ha ha! so funny!
I’ve heard that joke before, but it’s always funny!
Quit cheating Tom! lol!
sound like someone i know
wow this is oviosly hilarios
Yeah propabaly would happen to someone I know.
Made me chuckle. (That takes a lot!) ***** (5 stars)
Tom sounds like my brother! (No kidding!)
I dont get it
SERIOUSLY who could be that dumb? LOL. P) 8) 🙂
now THAT is one funny joke
Nice! I always like these jokes with the twists at the end. Keep up the good work Caleb L.
that sonds like………..me!(]-:
colster98 the guy tom is talking about himself and jeff didnt like tom cheating
A 2-year could write better jokes
ok joke
i saw this one in a popular comic strip in the newspaper
not a hahahahahaha joke, more like just a haha joke.
not the best joke but pretty good
Thats why no one plays golf with me any more=(
That’s a pretty good joke. Good job!
how is that even funny
I thought it was pretty funny