Last week, I answered the door and standing there was a six-foot-tall mosquito! He thumped me on the head, then left. The next night, the same mosquito came to the door. He punched me in the stomach and left. The third night, the doorbell rang. As I slowly opened the door, the mosquito pushed the door open, kicked me in the shin and left. I went to see my doctor and explained everything that had happened. I asked him what I should do. The doctor replied, “Not much you can do. There’s just a nasty bug going around.”
I dont get it at all.
am i the only one who gets it?!?!
I get it too and I say it was pretty funny.
Yeah its funny
I love that joke!!!
It wasn’t very funny
And whats the funny part
I’m with anyone!
I told it at scool. Its awesome!
Anyone and camdog are soooo wrong!
That Joke aint funny at all i told it and got beat up :’-(
=P that joke stinks…♥
Kool’re wrong 1,000,000,000$!!!
O cmon guys its VERYsimple to get.Huh grl scout?
Weird but funny. Ha Ha Ha!
ha ha ha !it’$ $o funny:’))
Its OK But iStiLl gaVe it a 5
iv’e already heard that joke!
Get it a nasty bug as in a bully?
Awesome, and I get it!!
moocow, your not alone
I think it was funny because i liked it when the mosqueto kept on coming to the door and thumping the guy.
THE MOSQUITO IS THE “NASTY BUG”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EWWEWWWWWWWWWWW! mosquito are gross!
i have already heard that joke but it is still pretty funny
I LOVE THAT JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am so totally with captain spock
?what kind of a joke was that?
It’s OK.
thats o.k
a nasty bug get it becuse the bug beat him up or nasty bug as in sickness what whould make you go to the docter
it’s straaaaaaaange.
Yawn.this is no LOL joke,:,{,,,,,
Thats pretty funny!
sorta funny, better than a lot
ha, ha.Good one! But could be alittle bit better
GET It? the bug is a bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i hate it)
GET It? the bug is a bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha ps heard that one
six foot tall mosquito?
Weird joke
im not sure this joke should be in the top 25
Jeez everyone should come up with NEW jokes…
Hmm, this is a classic.
Tee heh