KAREN: What kind of bed does Santa have? JIM: I’m stumped. KAREN: A sleigh bed. Joke by Karen C., Hopatcong, New Jersey0 commentsLoading...
Ethan: I have a bed, but I don’t sleep. I have a bank but no money. I have a mouth but can’t talk. What am I? Alice: No idea. Ethan: A river! Joke by Ethan M., North Potomac, Maryland 3 commentsLoading...
YASH: Why was the man running around his bed? STEVEN: Tell me. YASH: He wanted to catch up on his sleep. Joke by Yash L., Manassas, Virginia0 commentsLoading...
John: What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? Zack: What? John: A cookie sheet. Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania10 commentsLoading...
Innkeeper: The room is $50 a night, but only $25 if you make your own bed. Guest: I’ll make my own bed. Innkeeper: OK. I’ll get you some nails and wood. Joke by Ryen H., Wenatchee, Washington2 commentsLoading...