GRACELYNN: What did the dad buffalo say to his son who was leaving? OWEN: What? GRACELYNN: Bison. Joke by Gracelynn A., Omaha, Nebraska0 commentsLoading...
AYN: What do you get when you cross a bison with a chicken? STEVE: I don’t know. AYN: Buffalo wings. Joke by Ayn A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
Ayn: What do you get when you cross a bison with a chicken? Morgan: What? Ayn: Buffalo wings! Joke by Ayn A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
RYAN: What did the buffalo say to his son when he left? MILES: I’m stumped! RYAN: “Bi-son!” Joke by Ryan D., Newark, Delaware2 commentsLoading...
Timmy: What did the daddy buffalo say to its son before it left for school? Bob: Beats me. Timmy: “Bison.” Joke by Evan B., Farmington Hills, Michigan1 commentsLoading...
Timmy: What did the daddy buffalo say to its son before it left for school? Bob: Beats me. Timmy: “Bison.” Joke by Evan B., Farmington Hills, Michigan1 commentsLoading...
Tim: What’s a truck full of bison? Dan: I don’t know. Tim: A buffa-load! Joke by Charles D., Jackson, Tenn.8 commentsLoading...
Andrew: What do you call a buffalo that lives 200 years? Curtis: Beats me. Andrew: A bison-tennial! Joke by Andrew C., Gaithersburg, Md.25 commentsLoading...