London: Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? Roman: Not sure. London: Because it was stuffed. Joke by London C., Shelby, North Carolina0 commentsLoading...
WALTER: What’s a doorbell’s favorite dessert? KOBE: Tell me. WALTER: Ding Dongs. Joke by Walter L., St. Louis, Missouri0 commentsLoading...
Edward: What’s a computer’s favorite dessert? Sam: Tell me. Edward: Cookies! Joke by Edward B., Rawlings, Maryland0 commentsLoading...
ANNIE: What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert? SARA: I don’t know. ANNIE: Pi! Joke by Annie M., West Linn, Oregon0 commentsLoading...
Tripp: What do baseball players have for dessert? Shawn: I don’t know. Tripp: Bunt cake! Joke by Tripp B., Montgomery, Illinois0 commentsLoading...
BEN: Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? LILLY: I don’t know. Why? BEN: Because it was stuffed. Joke by Ben W., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania3 commentsLoading...
BEN: Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? LILLY: I don’t know. Why? BEN: Because it was stuffed. Joke by Ben W., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania8 commentsLoading...
Bob: What do you call a lonely cake? Kyle: Tell me. Bob: Deserted! Joke by Patrick O., New Freedom, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
JAMES: Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert? JOSIAH: I have no idea. JAMES: Because it was stuffed. Joke by Jimmy R., Lansdale, Pennsylvania13 commentsLoading...
Gabe: What do you call a house with an ice-cream sundae on top? Rob: Beats me. Gabe: Desserted! Joke by Gabriel M., Austin, Texas1 commentsLoading...
A punny book: "French Desserts" by E. Claire. Joke by Ryan S., Lancaster, New York2 commentsLoading...
Matt: Why did the bakery hire so many apples? Jason: I don’t know. Matt: There was a lot of turnover! Joke by Matthew R., Maylene, Ala.3 commentsLoading...
George: Knock, knock. Simon: Who’s there? George: Aida. Simon: Aida, who? George: Aida lot of sweets, and now I’ve got a tummy ache. Joke by Aditya B., Naperville, Ill.5 commentsLoading...
Gabe: What do you call a house with an ice-cream sundae on top? Rob: Beats me. Gabe: “Desserted!” Joke by Gabriel M., Austin, Tex.5 commentsLoading...
Joey’s mom: Joey, there were two pieces of chocolate cake in the kitchen, and now there’s only one. Can you explain that? Joey: I guess I didn’t see the other piece! Joke by Stu T., Rosedale, Kan.8 commentsLoading...
Fred: What’s the only food made of dust from outer space? Sarah: What? Fred: A moon pie! Joke by Justus W., Middlesboro, Ky.5 commentsLoading...
Nick: What a nightmare -- I dreamed I was eating a giant marshmallow. Rick: What’s so bad about that? Nick: When I woke up, my pillow was gone. Joke by Nick S., Overland Park, Kan.11 commentsLoading...
Tim: What is a ghost’s favorite dessert? Tom: What? Tim: Booberry pie. Joke by Joshua N., Napoleon, Ohio8 commentsLoading...