WALTER: What’s a doorbell’s favorite dessert? KOBE: Tell me. WALTER: Ding Dongs. Joke by Walter L., St. Louis, Missouri0 commentsLoading...
Leland: Knock, knock. Silas: Who’s there? Leland: Figs. Silas: Figs, who? Leland: Figs the doorbell. I’ve been knocking forever. Joke by Leland B., Lanesville, Indiana3 commentsLoading...
Corey: Knock, knock. Ethan: Who’s there? Corey: The doorbell repairman. Joke by Corey K., Dickinson, North Dakota 6 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Hard of Hearing” by Isabelle Ringing. Joke by Ian M., Yamhill, Ore.0 commentsLoading...