JAXON: Why do bees have sticky hair? MASON: I’m not sure. JAXON: Because they use honeycombs. Joke by Jaxon R., Tulsa, Oklahoma 0 commentsLoading...
CARTER: What do you call a row of rabbits hopping backward? MARK: I don’t know. CARTER: A receding hare line! Joke by Carter B., Cleburne, Texas0 commentsLoading...
RHYS: I used to not like facial hair. JOSH: What changed? RHYS: It’s growing on me now. Joke by Rhys M., Acworth, Georgia1 commentsLoading...
DREW: What kind of hairstyle do sheep like best? BILLY: I have no idea. DREW: A goatee! Joke by Drew B., Fayetteville, Georgia1 commentsLoading...
DYLAN: Why do bees have sticky hair? CASEY: Why? DYLAN: Because they use honeycombs. Joke by Dylan L., Shrewsbury, Massachusetts0 commentsLoading...
ALEX: A truck full of hair just crashed. EMMY: Oh, my! What was the cause? ALEX: I don’t know. Officers are still combing the area. Joke by Alex Y., Spring Grove, Illinois0 commentsLoading...
Nathan: What do you call backward marching rabbits? Josh: What? Nathan: A “receding hare line!” Joke by Peyton B., McMinnville, Ore.1 commentsLoading...