ERIC: What do you call it when a marsupial tricks you? JACOB: What? ERIC: A kanga-ruse. Joke by Eric J., Slingerlands, New York0 commentsLoading...
Carter: What’s a kangaroo’s favorite drink? Vince: I have no clue. Carter: A juice pouch. Joke by Carter A., South Grafton, Massachusetts1 commentsLoading...
Will: What is a kangaroo’s favorite season? Bram: Tell me. Will: Spring! Joke by Will M., Mechanicsburg, Pa.6 commentsLoading...
“Oh, no!” the kangaroo groaned to her friend, the rabbit. “The forecast calls for rain.” “What’s the problem with that?” asked the rabbit. “We could use some rain.” “Sure,” the kangaroo said. “But that means my kids will have to play inside all day!” Joke by Luke D., Muskego, Wis.14 commentsLoading...
Daffyniton: Out of bounds—An exhausted kangaroo. Joke by Jonathan P., Springfield, Mo.0 commentsLoading...
Michael: What kind of music does a kangaroo listen to? Matt: I have no idea. Michael: Hip-hop! Joke by Michael C., Asheboro, N.C.15 commentsLoading...