TOM: Knock, knock. JERRY: Who’s there? TOM: Dewey. JERRY: Dewey, who? TOM: Dewey have the key yet? Joke by Daniel J., Round Rock, Texas0 commentsLoading...
Joe: Knock, knock. Troy: Who’s there? Joe: Mikey. Troy: Mikey, who? Joe: Mikey doesn’t fit in the keyhole. Joke by Joe M., Bloomington, Illinois1 commentsLoading...
JEREMY: What key has legs and can’t open doors? SAMMY: I don’t know. JEREMY: A turkey. Joke by Jeremy B., Lynchburg, Ohio1 commentsLoading...
Joe: Knock, knock. Troy: Who’s there? Joe: Mikey. Troy: Mikey, who? Joe: Mikey doesn’t fit in the key hole. Joke by Joe M., Bloomington, Illinois1 commentsLoading...
Joe: Knock, knock. Troy: Who’s there? Joe: Mikey. Troy: Mikey, who? Joe: Mikey doesn’t fit in the key hole. Joke by Joe M., Bloomington, Illinois6 commentsLoading...