JULIEN: What did the mother spider say to the teen spider? ALEX: What? JULIEN: “You spend too much time on the web.” Joke by Julien S., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
LUCAS: Why was the tarantula wearing a disguise? MOLLY: Why? LUCAS: Because it was a spy-der. Joke by Lucas C., Miami, Florida1 commentsLoading...
Mike: Why should you keep a spider web in your baseball glove? Bob: Why? Mike: Because it can help you catch flies. Joke by Michael C., Mullica Hill, New Jersey1 commentsLoading...
Lucas: Why did the spider take swimming lessons? Will: I don’t know. Why? Lucas: He wanted to surf the Web. Joke by Lucas M., Manhasset, N.Y.1 commentsLoading...