Brandon: Why did the baseball player call time out? Sean: Why? Brandon: He needed a shortstop. Joke by Brandon G., Bremerton, Washington0 commentsLoading...
Brandon: Why is tennis a loud sport? Andy: Why? Brandon: Because of the racket. Joke by Brandon G., Bremerton, Washington0 commentsLoading...
John: What’s the quietest sport? Nick: I have no idea. John: Bowling: You can hear a pin drop. Joke by Carl N., Fair Haven, New Jersey3 commentsLoading...
Jim: Which is the quietest sport? John: I don’t know. Jim: Bowling, because you can hear a pin drop. Joke by John P., Supply, Virginia1 commentsLoading...
Jim: Which is the quietest sport? John: I don’t know. Jim: Bowling, because you can hear a pin drop. Joke by John P., Supply, Virginia1 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “High Jump” by Lee Ping. Joke by Daniel K., Lighthouse Point, Fla.1 commentsLoading...