Brandon: Why is tennis a loud sport? Andy: Why? Brandon: Because of the racket. Joke by Brandon G., Bremerton, Washington0 commentsLoading...
MARCUS: What do you call a lady in the middle of a tennis court? HAYDEN: I haven’t the foggiest. MARCUS: Annette! Joke by Marcus H., Cleveland Heights, Ohio2 commentsLoading...
Levi: What do you serve but can’t eat? Bobby: What? Levi: A tennis ball! Joke by Levi W., Enumclaw, Washington0 commentsLoading...
James: What’s the loudest sport? Amy: I don’t know. What? James: Tennis. Everyone raises a racket. Joke by James S., Dawson, Georgia2 commentsLoading...
Andrew: Where did the tennis racket have to go when it got arrested? Fred: Where? Andrew: Court. Joke by Andrew S., South Ogden, Utah1 commentsLoading...
Emilio: What did the tennis player say before playing with vanilla ice cream? Chuck: I don’t know. Emilio: “I’d like a soft serve, please!” Joke by Emilio F., Wake Forest, N.C.3 commentsLoading...