ALEX: Why did the zombie cross the road? DAVID: I don’t know. ALEX: To get to the dead end. Joke by Alex W., Lincoln, Nebraska0 commentsLoading...
Nolan: What kind of test do zombies take? Bennett: I’m stumped. Nolan: No-brainers. Joke by Nolan R., Minnetonka, Minnesota0 commentsLoading...
Arhan: What does a zombie vegetarian eat? Rohan: I have no clue. Arhan: Grains! Joke by Arhan S., Sanford, Florida0 commentsLoading...
Daniel: What do you do when zombies surround your house? Sam: What? Daniel: Hope it’s Halloween. Joke by Daniel R., Boerne, Texas1 commentsLoading...
Keith: Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? Tim: I don’t know. Do they? Keith: No. They eat them separately. Joke by Keith C., Hartselle, Alabama0 commentsLoading...
Owen: Where do zombies go swimming? Luke: Tell me. Owen: The Dead Sea. Joke by Owen S., Jackson, Wisconsin2 commentsLoading...