One day Max went to see Carl. Carl had a big swollen nose.
“Whoa, what happened, Carl?” Max asked.
“I sniffed a brose,” Carl replied.
“What?” Max said. “There’s no ‘b’ in rose!”
Carl replied, “There was in this one!”
Joke submitted by Charlie H., Homer Glen, Ill.
One day Max went to see Carl. Carl had a big swollen nose.
“Whoa, what happened, Carl?” Max asked.
“I sniffed a brose,” Carl replied.
“What?” Max said. “There’s no ‘b’ in rose!”
Carl replied, “There was in this one!”
© 2025, Boy Scouts of America. All rights reserved.
it just so good
Sorry – but I had to read this one twice. The first time I could not figure it out. The second time I read it I busted out with laughter !!
same for me!
i dont get it.
There was a bee
get it b as in bumblebee to skydiver
Thats very funny
i agree with beekeeper
Guys take this from a person who makes jokes this was funny
ill agree with superman and beekeeper
ha! =)
what??? ohhhhh!!!!!
at first i did not under,stand untile i read it again!!!
toataly lol!!!
Took me a second, but this one is funny
took me a second, too, Bronc
loled so hard soda came out my nose
I laughed so hard, a b came out of my nose (i know that wasnt good, but i had to try)
Nice try
theres no b in rose
there was in this one!
this is bfunny!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !
That was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was drinking Sprite and it sprayed all over the screen when I saw you’re joke!
wow.just wow.
Haha so funny
I agree with beekeeper and superman 😀
I don’t get it