JOHNNY: What do you get when you put an alligator in a vest? SAMMY: I’m not sure. JOHNNY: An investigator. Joke by Johnny W., Fayetteville, Tennessee0 commentsLoading...
Chrystal: How do you cook an alligator? Nathaniel: How? Chrystal: With a Crock-Pot. Joke by Nathaniel C., Manhattan, Kansas4 commentsLoading...
DONALD: What do you call an alligator detective? WILL: I don’t know. DONALD: An investi-gator! Joke by Donald G., Columbia, South Carolina3 commentsLoading...
Josh: What do you call an alligator in a vest? Jake: I haven’t the foggiest. Josh: An investigator! Joke by Joshua L., West Hampton, Mass.9 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Escaping Crocodiles” by Ron A. Way. Joke by Colin L., Naples, Fla.6 commentsLoading...