ALLEN: Why don’t fish play basketball? HELEN: Tell me. ALLEN: Because they’re afraid of the net. Joke by Allen L., Cupertino, California2 commentsLoading...
AAYUSH: Why are fish bad at basketball? SAM: I haven’t the foggiest. AAYUSH: They are afraid of the net. Joke by Aayush B., Irving, Texas 1 commentsLoading...
BILLY: Why can’t pigs play basketball? MARK: Tell me. BILLY: Because they always hog the ball. Joke by Billy C., Cary, Illinois 1 commentsLoading...
MICAH: What did the genie grant the basketball player? CALEB: I don’t know. MICAH: Three swishes! Joke by Micah W., Chandler, Arizona1 commentsLoading...
TAMOGHNA: Why don’t fish play basketball? SARAH: Why? TAMOGHNA: Because they’re afraid of the net! Joke by Tamoghna K., Arlington, Massachusetts11 commentsLoading...
JACK: Why are octopuses so bad at basketball? REID: Why? JACK: Because they always get tentacle fouls. Joke by Jack D., Sammamish, Washington2 commentsLoading...
LUCAS: Where are basketball players in the morning? DILLION: I don’t have a clue. LUCAS: Dunking donuts! Joke by Lucas D., Elmira, New York1 commentsLoading...
JOHN: Why was the floor of the basketball court wet? MARK: Tell me, please. JOHN: Because the players dribbled all over it. Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania1 commentsLoading...
Kelby: Why did the chicken cross the basketball court? Graham: Beats me. Kelby: He heard the referee calling fowls! Joke by Kelby D., Firth, Idaho5 commentsLoading...