Colin: Man, I really love my furniture. Maddy: Why? Colin: Because my recliner and I go way back. Joke by Colin F., Mandeville, Louisiana0 commentsLoading...
COLIN: I really love my furniture. NANCY: Why? COLIN: My recliner and I go way back. Joke by Colin F., Mandeville, Louisiana0 commentsLoading...
Nicholas: What has four legs but can’t walk? Rick: What? Nicholas: A table! Joke by Nicholas R., Spokane Valley, Wash.4 commentsLoading...
Man: Doctor, I think I’m becoming a dog! Doctor: Just relax. Have a seat, and I’ll help you. Man: But doctor, I’m not allowed on the furniture! Joke by Lee J., Galveston, Texas4 commentsLoading...
A teen walked into a store to buy curtains and said, “I want those curtains over there to fit my computer screen.” “Computers don’t need curtains,” said the salesman. “Hello,” the teen said. “I have Windows.” Joke by Nathan A., Temecula, Calif.14 commentsLoading...
Jack: What kind of show does a chair put on? Johnny: Beats me. Jack: A sit-com! Joke by Jack A., Sioux Falls, S.D.8 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Cost-Free Appliance Repairs” by Warren Tee. Joke by Matthew H., Northridge, Calif.1 commentsLoading...
James: When is a door not a door? Shane: When? James: When it’s ajar. Joke by James L., Camarillo, Calif.79 commentsLoading...
Miles: Why did the old lady put wheels on her rocking chair? Bill: I don’t know. Miles: She wanted to rock and roll! Joke by Miles K., Denton, Tex.10 commentsLoading...