KATELYN: What’s the difference between a school teacher and a train? CALVIN: What? KATELYN: The teacher says, “Spit out your gum,” but the train says, “Chew-chew.” Joke by Katelyn O., Eden Prairie, Minnesota 1 commentsLoading...
GABRIEL: What is a scientist’s favorite flavor of gum? MIKE: I don’t know. GABRIEL: Experi-mint! Joke by Gabriel M., Detroit, Michigan0 commentsLoading...
GRAHAM: What’s the difference between a teacher and a train? MOLLY: What? GRAHAM: A teacher says, “Spit out your gum,” but a train says, “Chew-chew!”cher Joke by Graham W., Sherwood, Wisconsin5 commentsLoading...
Umit: Why did the chewing gum cross the road? Abe: Why? Umit: It was stuck to the chicken’s foot. Joke by Umit S., Virginia Beach, Virginia14 commentsLoading...
Seena: Why did the gum cross the road? Jerod: Why? Seena: It was stuck to the chicken’s foot. Joke by Seena B., Mesquite, Texas4 commentsLoading...
Jordan: What do bees chew? Graham: I dunno. Jordan: Bumble-gum. Joke by Jordan E., Pleasant Gap, Pa.7 commentsLoading...
A man walks into a convenience store to buy some gum. He sees the gum costs $10, so he asks the cashier, “How can you justify charging so much?” “Well,” the cashier said. “It’s in mint condition!” Joke by Andrew M., Northville, Mich.10 commentsLoading...