REZA: Why don’t people like to play hide-and-seek with mountains? MINA: Why? REZA: Because they peak. Joke by Reza B., San Diego, California0 commentsLoading...
CAMILLE: How do mountains see? SEAN: How? CAMILLE: They peak. Joke by Camille D., Wake Forest, North Carolina0 commentsLoading...
BEN: Why can’t you play hide-and-seek with mountains? CHASE: Why? BEN: Because they’re always peaking. Joke by Ben K., Scottsdale, Arizona1 commentsLoading...
Jeremy: How do you solve a math problem on top of a mountain? Todd: I don’t know. Jeremy: Just sum it. Joke by Jeremy H., Oxford, Mississippi2 commentsLoading...
Oskar: Why did the science teacher take his class on a field trip to the mountains? Felix: Why? Oskar: They needed higher grades. Joke by Oskar C., Statesboro, Georgia2 commentsLoading...
Jack: What’s the wettest mountain in the world? John: What? Jack: Mountain Dew. Joke by Brayden B., Irving, Texas5 commentsLoading...
Alex: What do you call a pile of kittens? Clare: Tell me. Alex: A meow-ntain. Joke by Alex W., Dallas, Texas1 commentsLoading...
Me: What do you call a pile of cats? Nick: I have no clue. Me: A meowtain. Joke by Mark M., Allen Park, Michigan15 commentsLoading...
Andrew: What does a mountain wear when it gets cold? Rafael: Tell me. Andrew: An ice cap. Joke by Andrew S., South Ogden, Utah1 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “The European Alps” by Matt R. Horn. Joke by Andrew H., Dallas, Tex.3 commentsLoading...