Caroline: When does a dad joke become a dad joke? Jackson: I have no idea. Caroline: When it becomes apparent. Joke by Caroline M., Longview, Texas6 commentsLoading...
Dad: Where’s your report card? Son: I don’t have it. Dad: Well, where is it? Son: My friend borrowed it. He wanted to scare his parents. Joke by Bryson D., Belton, Mo.8 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Annoying Kids” by Ira Tate. Joke by Mike M., Bedford, N.Y.10 commentsLoading...
Warped Wiseman wonders: “If a child refuses to nap during the day, is he resisting a rest?” Joke by David M., Springfield, Va.9 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Unruly Children” by Miss B. Haven. Joke by Jeremiah R., Virginia Beach, Va.8 commentsLoading...