ISAIAH: Why didn’t anyone want to fight the hot pepper? ELIJAH: I don’t know. ISAIAH: Because he’s got some kick. Joke by Isaiah J., Citrus Heights, California0 commentsLoading...
Nathan: What does a nosy pepper do? Charlie: What? Nathan: It gets jalapeño business. Joke by Nathan M., Willowick, Ohio1 commentsLoading...
MIKEY: Why do sharks swim in salt water? MICHAEL: I don’t know. Why? MIKEY: Because pepper water would make them sneeze. Joke by Mikey S., Pineville, North Carolina0 commentsLoading...
Collin: What does a nosey pepper do? Vicky: I haven’t the foggiest. Collin: It gets jalapeño business! Joke by Collin K. , San Diego, California0 commentsLoading...
TANISH: What does a nosy pepper do? REBECCA: What? TANISH: Gets jalapeño business! Joke by Tanish T.0 commentsLoading...
ANDREW: What did the pepper say on its holiday card? LUKE: I don’t know. ANDREW: “Season’s greetings.” Joke by Andrew T., Allen, Texas 0 commentsLoading...