TYLER: What kind of shoes do frogs wear? MEGAN: I don’t know. TYLER: Open toad! Joke by Tyler S., Murfreesboro, Tennessee0 commentsLoading...
Reese: What do you call shoes made of bananas? Max: I’m stumped. Reese: Slippers. Joke by Reese I., Ambler, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
STEVIE: What kind of shoes do mice wear? JOHNNIE: What kind? STEVIE: Squeakers. Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
Ninad: Where do shoes like to go during summer vacation? Dustin: Where? Ninad: Boot camp! Joke by Ninad K., Fanwood, New Jersey0 commentsLoading...
Stevie: What kind of shoes do mice wear? Johnnie: What kind? Stevie: Squeakers. Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania4 commentsLoading...
Tom: What is a cartoon artist’s favorite brand of shoes? Stephen: Tell me. Tom: Sketchers. Joke by Nathaniel C., Manhattan, Kansas2 commentsLoading...
Tom: What is a cartoonist’s favorite brand of shoes? Stephen: What? Tom: Sketchers. Joke by Nathaniel C., Manhattan, Kansas2 commentsLoading...
Sam: What kind of shoes should someone wear while dissecting a frog? Ryan: Beats me. Sam: Open-toad! Joke by Sam A., Audubon, N.J.5 commentsLoading...
Alex: What is a spy’s favorite kind of shoes? Liam: Gee, I don’t know. Alex: Sneakers! Joke by Alexander G., Norwalk, Conn.8 commentsLoading...
Bryan: What kind of shoes do mice wear? Myrna: Tell me. Bryan: Squeakers! Joke by Bryan M., Waseca, Minn.8 commentsLoading...
Bob: Knock, knock. Dillon: Who’s there? Bob: Amish. Dillon: Amish, who? Bob: Really? You don’t look like a shoe. Joke by J. M., Grayslake, Ill.7 commentsLoading...
Dan: What is a millipede’s least favorite activity? Bob: I don’t know. Dan: Buying new shoes. Joke by Daniel P., Overland Park, Kan.9 commentsLoading...
Charles: Knock, knock. Kenny: Who’s there? Charles: Wooden shoe. Kenny: Wooden shoe, who? Charles: Wooden shoe like to know! Joke by Charles S., Gilbert, Ariz.11 commentsLoading...