A man bought a parrot at an auction after bidding higher and higher against another bidder.
“I suppose the bird talks,” he said to the auctioneer.
“Talks!” replied the auctioneer. “He’s been bidding against you for the last 10 minutes!”
Joke submitted by Nusayba H., Annandale, Va.
A man bought a parrot at an auction after bidding higher and higher against another bidder.
“I suppose the bird talks,” he said to the auctioneer.
“Talks!” replied the auctioneer. “He’s been bidding against you for the last 10 minutes!”
© 2025, Boy Scouts of America. All rights reserved.
Auctioneer: Sold to the man who bidded $500!
Ouch >< . Poor guy; that parrot must hate his guts! Lol!
Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!
that is really funny!
ha ha ha
i gotta try that 😆
Haha- smart parrot!
I wonder if the auction guys trained him to do that to get more $…..
Good joke.
classic, 4 stars
ha ha talking parrot
That parrot must be annoying!
Ha Ha Ha![:.D i almost died laughing!
that was completely hillarious!! I LOVE THE PARROT!
Idon’t get it. . . .
The auction parrot was trained to raise the price! 🙂
Second best 5 stars
I would hate to be the owner of that parrot. think of the cash the parrot spent!
i’d like to hold a parrot-selling auction!
ROTFLOL funny!
man that joke is awsome *****/5 stars
weird, but i get it. 4/5 stars
HAHA *****/5 STARS
5 stars sweet joke Dood!
this made me happy….the poor man must have lost alot of money!!!
wait… if the parrot was beaten by the man, then the parrot didn’t spend any money,(a$hM@n!!
thats one smart parrot
im so smart
hand over the crackers and no one gets hurt
I would’ve been like “oh no you just di’nt
Wow. A new joke. And a hilarious one, too. I have the feeling that the bidder strangles the parrot after the joke.
this is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHA I GIVE IT A 4
that is not funny
4 1/2 stars 🙂
now thats a way to make money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want that parrot!
jk funny joke
1 star * 🙁
I can’t not stop laughing
i dont get it my sister explained it to me
sort of funny
thats funny!!
A nice waste of money, if you ask me.