A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year. If he didn’t speak for two years, the following year he could speak two words and so on.
One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady. He refrained from speaking for two whole years so he could call her “my darling.” But then he wanted to tell her he loved her, so he waited three more years. At the end of these five years, he wanted to ask her to marry him, so he waited another four years.
Finally, as the ninth year of silence ended, he led the lady to the most romantic place in the kingdom and said, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?”
And the lady said, “Pardon?”
FUNNY AND 12345 5 stars!!!!!
ha funny
i dont get it
she didn’t hear him
Because she Sunday hear him and he couldn’t repeat himself
FUNNY!!!!!! Google stars
LOL!!! thats a 5 star
so i’m going to make mine
A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year. If he didn’t speak for two years, the following year he could speak two words and so on.
One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady. He refrained from speaking for two whole years so he could call her “my darling.” But then he wanted to tell her he loved her, so he waited three more years. At the end of these five years, he wanted to ask her to marry him, so he waited another four years.
Finally, as the ninth year of silence ended, he led the lady to the most romantic place in the kingdom and said, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?”
And the lady said, “me to!” the spell blokes apart and they married they lived together they had 4 kids the end!
that was funny, but that would really stink if that happened
LAUGH-O-METER doesn’t get it, therefore this joke gets 0 out of 1,000,000.
He could just write it down on paper.
1year,2,3,4,5stars,6,7,8,9 years
cool!!! google stars
This is the best joke i have ever heard!!!!!!!
This made me go from 🙁 To 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
5 Stars!
I feel sorry for him though 🙁
pretty cool and it touched me
I love that joke!!!!! :):) 5 stars!!!
heard it be for but still awesome
Awesome joke!!! 5 stars!
I feel bad for the guy. But it still gets 10.000 STARS
What would happen if he waited one-hundred years?
100 words
i dont get it
i love it sory
its so funny . LOL Definetly worth 5 stars
That was and awesome joke 🙂
I feel sad for the prince though!
Five stars.
why not write a NOTE to here or get SOMEONE ELSE to tell her? good joke anyway.
I really don’t get it!
it was awesome! 5 stars from GameFreak!
🙂 i feel bad for the prince hope the spell weares of after ten years 5 stars nice joke by the way 5 stars out of 3
For those who did not get it, the prince waited 9 years to say, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?” and the woman said, “Pardon?”
This means that the prince must wait another 9 years to repeat what he just said loudly and clearly, because he waited 9 years, wasted all 9 words asking if she would marry him, and when she said, “Pardon?” the prince could not reply because he had no words left. He would have to wait another 9 years to repeat, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?”
Feel sad for the guy though. He could also send someone to say it for him, too.
I like it. 5 stars.
didnt get it till random 10 year old explaind it so poor prince
Sweet! I loved it. So funny! TOTALLY 5 STARS.
whoever made that joke was just plain funny :-).
When I was done reading it to my dad he could not stop laughing!!!!!!!
that is so 5 stars:-)
LOL! 🙂
That prince must have been upset after that!!!
i wish they would have invented paper by then
that was really funny but it took a second to figure out. 5 stars
FUNNY! (But how did she fall in love with him if he couldn’t talk?)
he he he he
I give this a billion stars this is so funny
So awesome
good edvice ramdom 10 year old
person is right. (I also wonder how he gets people to get stuff for him. )
I like it. did you put it in BL? must tell friends. Feel bad for both the guy and gale.
That joke is HILARIOUS.
lol nice. Feel bad for the dude though. Oh well. It’s only nine more years! He can wait! Unless he’s like 91 or somethin. 🙂
I love that joke, it’s hilarious! I feel bad for that guy though, but, I rate it 5 stars!
i dont get it
Very funny joke! 5 stars. Feel bad for the dude.
I didnn’t get it
verry funny 🙂
This joke should say somewhere that he doesn’t have access to paper. 5 stars anyway.
I get it! he waited so long and he told the wrong girl!
That is hilarious! Now the prince has to say it over again, and wait for 9 yrs!
… hilarius
5 stars! awesome joke
Princess needs her ears checked
i smil and laf HEE HEE HEE 🙂 🙁
that had me LOL
Good joke. It made us all feel for Mr. Froggie. I’d give it a 5. Having no paper? Not necessary to say. He didn’t know sign language, or have access to a computer or typewriter, or do smoke signals, or do Morse Code either we can assume. And she didn’t know croak-ese I guess! 🙂
I totally get it. Ha, feel sorry for him. Sorry to say, if you don’t get this you’re insane. 5*.
That was sooooo funny!
My mom cracked up!
hahahahh…. silly!!! good job well then!!
LOLness. kinda pointless but good :wicked: ❗
Poor guy. 🙁 Is the princess deaf? Funny, though. 🙂
it made me LOL.(Seriously)
That joke is AWESOME dude! I love it.
I have heard that joke before. But, it made me LOL! That is my second favorite joke that I have heard in my life!
LOL so funny. made my whole family crack up! 🙂
that is like totally funny
That’s quite a waste of breath and time for the poor dude XD
funny joke 🙂 I rate it 5 stars
that was hilarious.lol though ifeel sorry for the guy but i rate it straight up 5 stars
LOL, what a waste of time… Couldn’t the prince just use paper?
by the time he gets to speak woudnt the lady be older?
I loved it! 5 stars!
this was prety good
Ha Ha Ha!
couldn’t the prince just learn to read and write?
I agree with booh, why can`t he use paper?
I think that “A prince under a spell.” is such a LOL! Do you agree?
LOL thatis funny! 🙂
Hooray! 🙂 🙂
Why doesn’t he just write stuff down?
LOL!!!!! very funny
Poor prince. He must of thought,”I knew this was a bad idea.” I still think that he shouldn’t of wasted his life like that. Yet, It was a really funny joke. More like LOL!!!!!! Still, who and why did someone put a spell on him.
i donn’t get it
eh kinda good 3 1/2 stars he could write it down.
classic! two thumbs up
i agree with $money$ man and shelby-thought it was ok, why doesn’t he write stuff down. other than that, it was pretty funny.
yeah t bone was right why doesn’t he wright things down?
(maybe because writing wasn’t invented) 😛
Amazing joke LOL!!!!!!!!!
lol!i loved it
Hilarious! Five stars!😂
Hilarious, she didn’t hear him, he has to wait 9 more years
Y couldn’t he write it down to tell her? Still funny tho
Just write It down on a piece of paper
thats funny but sad-
go to random ten year old he explain it well or just say that he fell in love, waited nine years to say “my darling i love you will you marry me?” then the lady said “pardon?” so he had to wait another nine years to say it again.
i can’t believe i said thagt xD