“Dad, are bugs good to eat?” asked the boy.
“Let’s not talk about such things at the dinner table, son,” his father replied.
After dinner the father inquired, “Now, son, what did you want to ask me?”
“Oh, nothing,” the boy said. “There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.”
gross 😆
i once did that to my dad but i got yelled at
wild! 😆
funny and gross, i like it
o maaan! sooo funny!
oh yuck
nice one
Hmm. Thats good
it sure is
I think that bugs are yukey.
poor bug
what’re they talking about bugs are a delicious protein source
That was an amazing joke!
Bugs for him, was it an ant? is he an anteater? HAHAHA!
ewwww…..that’s gross!
bugs good to eat I don’t think so
This is sooooo funny
har har har
dat yummy :LOL:
kill the bugs kill the bugs muwaha……………… not THAT WAY! >:(
Yummy buggies!!
That is really funny!
i’ve eaten a worm before hahaha 5 stars, totally
There goes my soup appetite!!! 🙁
1000000 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor daddy=(
I feal sry for the boy his parents are strict
When I grow up and have kids I’ll listen if they ask that during a meal! = 0 = 0 : )
the dad ate a bug?!!!!?
good thing I don’t eat soup!! 😀 🙂 😉 🙁 ;(
that makes me lol! 😆 :mr.green:
nice four stars
Pretty nice!!! 🙂
funny in a disgusting weird sick sort of way. i really liked it. 😆
gross but funny!
LOL! Kinda funny!
bon appetite! enjoy! (no i’m not french)
I’ve done that before to my dad and he didn’t know about it.
pretty good:)Go red sox
rather gross but good joke and I agree with olayboy456 go red sox!
yea dude!!!-Red Sox totally rock (i live in new england)
antidote, please!!! hahaha
THATS funny
oh yeah…GO CUBS GO,GO CUBS GO,HEY CHICAGO WHAT CHYOU SAY THE CUBS ARE GONNA WIN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not get it 🙁
thats funny
reminds me of the “WAITER, there’s a fly in my soup” joke. hilarious, buuuut, very common.
pretty funny but pretty gross
aww it’s okay i’ll explain it
there was a bug in the dad’s soup so the kid wanted to know if it was good to eat or why it was in the soup
but the dad said to wait to talk so it wouldn’t ruin anyone’s appetite…he didn’t know there was a bug in his own soup
…and then the boy didn’t care later because the dad already ate the bug eww
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣So funny
I once used that joke in my school joke competition and I won!! It is the funniest joke in the world.
gross 😆