“If you step on a purple mushroom, you’ll be forced to marry the ugliest person in the world,” warned the old gnome, so the man continued carefully through the woods. He didn’t step on any purple mushrooms.
Suddenly a beautiful woman walked up and said: “We have to marry.”
“Why?” asked the man, smiling.
“I just stepped on one of those pesky purple mushrooms!” she replied.
Oh he was the ugliest person in the world. great joke 5 stars.
That was pretty good!!
coolbeanz? kz
good one
That’s a good one! 😛 I hope that guy is really dumb, or he might get mad!
it cool
Ive heard a lot of jokes and they were all funny but this one was hilarious
HAHA! Nice dis!
HAHAHA!!!!!!! Halirious
tee-hee-hee funny
I wish that happened to me 🙁 🙂 :{
weird but funy
Nice 5 stars
That is funnY
ive heard a similar one. you have a friend pick three people . then , you use the three people in the blank. ———- ,———–, and——————– went to heaven and went to god and god said ” there are no rules in heaven, EXCEPT you cant step on a purple cloud. they leave for the plaza and say “lets meet back here in one year ” so they come back 1 year later and ————– has an ugly girl “whered ya get Her?! I stepped on a purple cloud. they come back next year and ————– has an ugly girl ——————- had stepped on a purple cloud . next year, —————(the person who is listening) has ——————–( a pretty girl) ———– and —————— say ” WhOA!!!! wherdya get HER?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ——————–(the girl) says ” I stepped on a purple cloud
one of the best jokes i ever heard
3 stars. Not too bad.
Funny HAWHAW 🙂
nice joke guys i am a wolf scout
funny! 5*s 🙂 ! and what do u mean Ranger?
that was defenly a 5
the best joke ever
LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if he actually did step on a purple mushroom, then he coudn’t have married because HE was the ugliest person in the world. great joke!!!!!!
I have heard a joke like it ,but still 4 1/2 *s!
5 *s
this is so funny hee hee hee
to *******| dont give the joke away. pu-lease.
but it WAS a pretty funny joke, though!HA HA HA! :+) ϋϋϋ(they look like smles, dont they?ϋ
good one
Lolz, pretty funny. Variation of the duck joke, I see.
ROFL : ) Great joke 5 stars.
Not bad at all.
I better get ugly cause that could happen to me!!:)
Oh Slider.
HA HA HA . Funny
I feel sorry that guy had to find out he was ugly that way LOL XD
give it 4 stars and call it a joke lol
In that case I’d love to be ugly!
man im sry for who ever steped on those pesky purple mushrooms
This was a very funny joke! At first I did not get it, but than I started belly laughing!
That’s pretty funny.
thats so/so.
I feel sorry for the girl
thats mean LOL big time
that was the best joke i have ever heard 🙂
i have one thats similar but instead of purple mushrooms it has ducks.
thats funny
seems like the guy was ugly
don’t trust gnomes 😀
Poor Guy!!!
I’m still laughing.
poor lady……lucky guy
i dont feal bad for. but the lady i do.
I don’t get it.
Like it. 🙂 But not great 🙁 :& :happy:
No wonder your in the top ten
lol nice joke
I still don’t get it. But anyway, 5 stars.
He was the ugly person!
I know this one where its told with ducks not mushrooms
lol =|
poor guy…
i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive heard it before…it’s good though.
poor man lol poor gurl as well lol he MUST be ugly lol
soz if it happenzzzzzzzzzz
I really liked reading that although…………..never mind theres nothing bad about that one. Its my favorite
i liked it…… poor ugly guy 5 STARS *****
That is funny ( and ugly !)
-5 stars-
It`s rude! I feel sorry for the guy now.:)5 STARS MAN!
SUPER ! ! ! ! ! !
lol, whatever that means. Five stars!
ouch that hurts
***** Five stars
That’s kind of mean, but it’s still funny.
Hahahahahahaha…I wonder if the guy gets mad.*****FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!
Dexter LOL means Laugh Out Loud. But my opinoin is…… ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Roll On The Floor Laugh Out Loud)
That was pretty good
Served lol jk nice joke
ROTFALOL(roll on the floor AND laugh out loud) Very funny.
THAT WAS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That girl should have come to me……just kidding!
that would really stink!
its an ok joke i guess
Nice Eragon! ROTFLOL! Poor guy, or is it that bad….. just kidding.
That poor guy! That was funny, though! XD
I have been looking on the internet forever to find a really funny joke. I’ve found lots of good ones. But this one is deffinitely the funniest!!!!!!!!
That was absotivley posolutley hilarious!
Clearly a stroke of genius! My Webkinz and I thank you for this blissful morning!
WOW! i wonder what the gnome was thinking at the time..
poor guy( in a way)!
I will never step on a purple mushroom ever!
I get those kind of comments alot… I can feel for the guy 😉
ouch! that drops self-asteem to absolute ZERO!!!
wow! good joke!ill give it a five!
That’s funny! Cool, I can’t think up good jokes!
Honestly, how ugly is the fellow?
ouch…That stings
I have not stepped on a purple mushroom yet. So far so good!
If I ever see a purple mushroom i would never step on it ! I meen if they really exist.
I bet he was happy after they maried though
that poor lady
does that mean the woman is ugly
I feel srry for her,how ugly WAS he?
ouch…talk about letting him down easy
I’m crying…
that was me…
Are you sure it isn’t that he is just the only flawed one out of a world of perfect people?
lol 🙂
i read that one in boys life pretty cool
This is one funny joke!!! 5 stars
i bet he wuz a sight 2 see
That is a funny joke :]
oooooohhhhh i’d love to see the look on that man’s face. Just how ugly is he?
OUCH! That must’ve hurt when she said that. Although when the lady stepped into veiw, and said, We have to marry, I bet he was all, oh boy! Hey, wait a minute… wasn’t there something about… purple mushrooms? And when she said she stepped on a purple mushroom, he was probally all, oh yeah, thats right, you have to marry the ugliest person in the world. Then when it dawns on him he’s all, wait a minute! That must mean *gulp* I”M THE UGLIEST PERSON!!! NOOOO!!!! Ha, ha. That just brings up some really funny pictures in my head. Hee hee.
That was ….like the most funniest joke in the world. dOn’t SteP on PurPLe MuShRooMs? that was my favorite joke in the world!!!!!!!!!!! P.s( I really Love ThaT JoKe It wAs SO FunnY!!!)
P.S. (dont be late for dinner)
I like the timing in this one 4 1/2. 8) 🙂
poor guy
why would that be bad to marry the ugliest person in the world? they could be a really nice person? but that was good!
He is realy lucky!
look at my name read it
4 1/2 score. keep up the good work Matthew
that was so fUnNy best JoKe EveR
That man just got owned, but he is so lucky about the woman!
That is funny that guy is so lucky!
No matter how many times I read this, I still laugh like the first time…
Tee Hee. I wonder why the girl was in the forest?
i dont get it
that guy must be so ugly
wow he must be ugly
Owned, Served, DISSED!
herd it in philmont but still laugh
now, that just burns!
i agree with funnyfunnyheehee he just got dissed ;(
he got iced!!!!!
ooooooooh he got iced!!!
the name is bad grammer “i says”
funniest joke ever!
this is so good that i am so dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;+(
this is so awesom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope i never step on a purple mushroom 🙂
poor woman.i feel sorry for her
i have heard other jokes very similar to that. it is an altered shortened version of the pink cloud.
poor man and lady
LAUGH-O-METER does not wan’t to rate this joke for fear it will one day step on a purple mushroom and realize this joke is not as funny as the writer makes it sound and it will have to mary an ugly meter that some horible game show uses. Sorry people,this one will have to go unrated.
My mom stepped on a purple mushroom and married a supermodel so i gotta rate it zero
if i saw a vid of this id laugh to death if he had to pay $10.000 for his tuxedo so id rate it a 5star
ROASTEDDD ohhhhhhhhh burn
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so I guess HE was the ugly person HAHAHAHAHAHAHA