Message on a highway sign: It takes 3,500 bolts to put a car together, but only one nut to wreck it.
Joke submitted by Josh B., Sioux City, Iowa
Message on a highway sign: It takes 3,500 bolts to put a car together, but only one nut to wreck it.
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great joke 🙂 😎 😀
I dont get it
How do you do the simily faces Da Boss? I’ll try… 🙂
But how do you do it with gallses
great joke.
this joke rox my sock. but not both. just one 😉
im roling onthe floor laughing
i you want one with sunglasses use an 8 😎
hey melloyello124 what face is that?
rofl! 8)
🙂 🙁 8)
That was an awesome joke.
nice one
true too
this was a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the joke was cool 8
how do u get the yellow faces ig ot to know how!!!!!!!
8) 🙁 🙂
How do you do a smiley face?
awesome one…..
it was ok 🙂
I Think I may be that one nut. 🙁
it was good
this is so funny
So true.
5 1/2 stars, that is too true
so true so true
I must admire this. Not a joke so much as a prophecy or even a saying. But I still laughed.
this should be one of those warped wiseman jokes.
Huh? I Don’t Get It
Good joke.
Preatty good preatty good. . . AAAAAAAA who am I kiding? AWSOME!!!
ha! ha! ha! ha!
I am that nut 🙂
that was 1 of the best jokes i have heard in a long time
if you didnt get it they are saying it takes alot of things(bolts) to make a car but takes only one dummy(nut) to wreck it
5.691 stars
But the question is, is the nut the driver or another driver i wonder.
I have visited your site 317-times
good and funny
ha that’s FUNNY
isn’t that the truth! I’m not concerned about my driving skills but i am about those around me.
That’s no joke its the TRUTH
i don’t get it.
I was thinking of a joke to send in. When I read this one, I thought, OH! Why didn’t I think of that! -Good one.
i do not get it???????????
hahahaha too true 🙂 😉 🙂 and for those who don’t get it you need 3,500 bolts to build a car and it only takes one nut (as in crazy driver) to wreck it
nice pun.
I love it! 😛
thats crazy funny…………….
Don’t worry, I’m a safe driver.
how true.
great saying
Who’s the Nut?
Nice one. But I don’t think it takes all of 3,500 bolts to build a car.
Well, It takes 3,500 bolts to make a car and one nut (as in a very crazy driver) to wreck it!
That was kida funny 😛 :Mrgeen: 😀 (:)
HA HA HA! 😆 😆 😆
That’s really funny!!! HAHA!!
I don’t get it. 🙁
i agree with 63 and 67
hey MAD MAX, it means it takes somebody crazy to screw up a car
Double LOL!
This is a really good one!!
Weird but funny.
haha lol hoho hehe clever i hav heard different twists of that joke!
Ha! That’s funny!
5 star
1, 001, 001, 001, 001, 001 stars! (1 quadrillion, 1 trillion, 1 billion, 1 million, 1 thousand, 1 hundred stars!)
good 1!!
ha! this is is funny
I get it. It takes 3,500 bolts(metal bolts) to put a car together, and it takes one nut (not a very smart person) to wreck it! 😆
true, true…
6 stars
Really good joke! Sort of. But pretty funny!