Nate: Why was school easier for cave people?
Kate: Why?
Nate: Because there was no history to study!
Joke submitted by Nathaniel R., Glendale, Wis.
Nate: Why was school easier for cave people?
Kate: Why?
Nate: Because there was no history to study!
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ummm never heard of it but I bet it’s sure funny!
Now thats what I call a joke! lol!
hahahah that was sooooo funny. We have joke sessions at our boyscout meetings all the time. I just got back from a 2 month boy scout camp it was amazing we hiked and told jokes so much!!!
TWO MONTHS AT A BOY SCOUT SUMMER CAMP?????!!!!!! TO ME, THAT’S FOREVER!! I stay at summer camp for a week.
I wish that were how it were these days!!!!
none of these are laugh out loud funny
Heard it before.