SAMUEL: What’s a snake’s favorite class? DAVID: Tell me. SAMUEL: Hissstory. Joke by Samuel K., Lebanon, Pennsylvania 0 commentsLoading...
A PUNNY BOOK: "The History of Forestry" by Tim Burr. Joke by Isaac Z., Russell, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
Levi: What do you get when you mix history and oil? Louie: I don’t know. Levi: Ancient grease. Joke by Levi B., Bedford, Texas3 commentsLoading...
Jacob: Which purple king conquered the ancient world? Ben: Beats me. Jacob: Alexander the Grape! Joke by Jacob E., Los Angeles, Calif.1 commentsLoading...
David: What’s the difference between Ben Franklin and a duck? Lily: I don’t know. David: One has his face on a bill; the other has a bill on his face. Joke by David M., Travelers Rest, S.C.5 commentsLoading...
Connor: What do you get when you cross a dictator with Mexican food? Connie: Tell me. Connor: Burrito Mussolini! Joke by Connor K., Gaithersburg, Md.1 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “History of the Battery” by Al K. Line. Joke by Andrew S., North Caldwell, N.J.2 commentsLoading...
Drew: Which newspaper did cavemen read? Jeremy: I dunno. Drew: The prehistoric times! Joke by Drew R., Newtown Square, Pa.8 commentsLoading...
Billy: Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down? Joe: Beats me. Billy: Because they wear their belt buckles on their hats! Joke by Billy S., Dover, Mass.10 commentsLoading...
Tanner: What do you call a medieval place of learning? Hannah: Beats me. Tanner: Knight school! Joke by Tanner S., Nickerson, Kan.5 commentsLoading...
Tanner: What do you call a medieval place of learning? Hannah: Beats me. Tanner: Knight school! Joke by Tanner S., Nickerson, Kan.4 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “The History of Laughter” by Chuck Ling. Joke by Michael C., Marietta, Ga.5 commentsLoading...
Father: Son, how are your history grades? Son: Underwater. Father: What do you mean? Son: Below C-level. Joke by Ryan K., Brunswick, Ohio4 commentsLoading...
Tobin: What famous Roman always had a cold? Tommy: Tell me. Tobin: Julius Sneezer. Joke by Tobin S., Colorado Springs, Colo.9 commentsLoading...
Nate: Why was school easier for cave people? Kate: Why? Nate: Because there was no history to study! Joke by Nathaniel R., Glendale, Wis.10 commentsLoading...