JUSTIN: What insect is the smartest? MADDY: Tell me. JUSTIN: A spelling bee. Joke by Justin G., Merritt Island, Florida0 commentsLoading...
JAMES: What did one bee say to the other bee? FRANCIS: What? JAMES: Nothing! They just danced. Joke by James H., Manassas, Virginia0 commentsLoading...
TOM SWIFTIE: “What’s with all the excitement around the beehive?” Tom buzzed. Joke by Tom D., Grand Rapids, Minnesota0 commentsLoading...
AYN: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a bee? DIANE: What? AYN: A ton of honey. Joke by Ayn A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
LOUIS: How did the bee get out of timeout? ETHAN: How? LOUIS: He was on his best bee-havior! Joke by Louis A. , Levittown, New York2 commentsLoading...
JAXON: Why do bees have sticky hair? MASON: I’m not sure. JAXON: Because they use honeycombs. Joke by Jaxon R., Tulsa, Oklahoma 0 commentsLoading...
JAYSON: What was the honeybee’s favorite Toy Story character? MIKE: I’m not sure. JAYSON: Buzz! Joke by Jayson S., Mason, Ohio 0 commentsLoading...
LUKE: What’s a yellow jacket’s favorite event at school? LISA: What? LUKE: The spelling bee. Joke by Luke T., Mountain Brook, Alabama0 commentsLoading...
DYLAN: Why do bees have sticky hair? CASEY: Why? DYLAN: Because they use honeycombs. Joke by Dylan L., Shrewsbury, Massachusetts0 commentsLoading...
JAKE: How did the students do on their honey project? BRYCE: I have no idea. JAKE: They all got bees. Joke by Jake C., Farmington, Connecticut1 commentsLoading...
MARK J.: What did the beekeeper say to his colony to encourage them? JOHN J.: I haven’t the foggiest. MARK J.: “Honey doesn’t grow on trees!” Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
Mark J: What did the beekeeper say to his colony to encourage them? John J: I haven’t the foggiest. Mark J: “Honey doesn’t grow on trees.” Joke by John D., Johnstown, Pennsylvania0 commentsLoading...
Agzam: Why do bees have such sticky hair? Bert: Why? Agzam: Because they use honeycombs. Joke by Agzam D., Germantown, Tennessee9 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “Insect Homes” by Bea Hive. Joke by Connor H., Milford, Ohio0 commentsLoading...
A book never written: “A Flower’s Life” by Paul Innate. Joke by Johnathon H., Laguna Niguel, Calif.0 commentsLoading...
Luke: Why did the bee go see the doctor? Jake: I give up. Luke: It had hives. Joke by Jalen P., Ama, La.2 commentsLoading...
Jordan: What do bees chew? Graham: I dunno. Jordan: Bumble-gum. Joke by Jordan E., Pleasant Gap, Pa.7 commentsLoading...
Chuck: How do bees get to their place of learning? Ron: How? Chuck: By school buzz. Joke by Charles D., McAdoo, Pa.9 commentsLoading...
Christopher: What do you call a flying insect that can’t make up its mind? Jonathan: I have no clue. Christopher: A “may-bee.” Joke by Christopher D., Dallas, Tex.4 commentsLoading...
Luke: Why did the bee go to the hospital? Jake: I give up. Luke: Because it had hives! Joke by Paul P., Meriden, Conn.11 commentsLoading...