BEN: What did the quarterback say to the Scout? BRYSON: What? BEN: “Hike!” Joke by Ben C., Oxford, Connecticut0 commentsLoading...
Dillon: What did the quarterback say to the Scout? Mike: What? Dillon: “Hike!” Joke by Dillon N., Elmhurst, Illinois1 commentsLoading...
Kaden: Why do quarterbacks tell the lamest jokes? Dave: Why? Kaden: They don’t want to go over the receiver’s head. Joke by Francesco S., Reisterstown, Maryland0 commentsLoading...
Miles: What did the football coach say to the vending machine? Niles: I don’t know. Miles: “Give me my quarterback.” Joke by Miles H., Bexley, Ohio13 commentsLoading...
Phil: Why did the football coach go to the bank? Pat: I don’t know. Why? Phil: To get his quarterback. Joke by Aidan D., Waterford, Connecticut0 commentsLoading...