MARIANO: What do you call a cow that plays the guitar? AVERY: Tell me. MARIANO: A moo-sician. Joke by Mariano A., Lincoln, Nebraska0 commentsLoading...
MICHAEL: What do you get when you combine a pig and a cow? PAT: I’m not sure. MICHAEL: A hamburger. Joke by Michael C., Burke, Virginia1 commentsLoading...
Henry: Knock, knock. Cindy: Who’s there? Henry: Cows go who. Cindy: Cows go who, who? Henry: No, silly! Cows go moo. Joke by Henry H. , Lacey, Washington1 commentsLoading...
JACQUELINE: What did the farmer shout to his cows when the old year ended? ANTHONY: I don’t know. JACQUELINE: “Happy Moo Year!” Joke by Jacqueline S., Moline, Illinois0 commentsLoading...
GABE: What do you call a cow on an elevator? RAMSEY: I’m not sure. GABE: Raising the steaks. Joke by Gabe M., Cameron, North Carolina0 commentsLoading...
Zach: Why do cows wear bells around their necks? Elliot: Why? Zach: Because their horns don’t work. Joke by Zachary B., Charlottesville, Virginia1 commentsLoading...
JOEY: How do ranchers keep track of how many cattle they have? JERRY: I’m not sure. JOEY: They use a cow-culator! Joke by Joey R., Maple Plain, Minnesota1 commentsLoading...
THOMAS: What do you call a cow in an earthquake? SEAN: I’m not sure. THOMAS: A milkshake. Joke by Thomas V. , West Fargo, North Dakota0 commentsLoading...
KELLY: What do you call cows that don’t produce milk? MICHA: I don’t know. KELLY: Milk Duds. Joke by Kelly P., Inman, South Carolina0 commentsLoading...
Chase: What do you call a rude cow? Sam: What? Chase: Beef jerky. Joke by Chase E., Pacific Grove, California 0 commentsLoading...
MATTHEW: Where do cows stay when they’re on vacation? JACK: I don’t know. MATTHEW: At a moo-tel. Joke by Matthew A., Minneapolis, Minnesota1 commentsLoading...
JOHNNY: What are a cow’s favorite places in space? MAX: Where? JOHNNY: The Milky Way and the mooon. Joke by Johnny B., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania1 commentsLoading...
LUKAS: What do you call a cow with no legs? JASON: I haven’t the foggiest. LUKAS: Ground beef. Joke by Lukas F., Farmersburg, Iowa0 commentsLoading...
LUKE: What do you get from a stuck-up cow? SEAN: I don’t know. What? LUKE: Spoiled milk. Joke by Luke T., Mountain Brook, Alabama1 commentsLoading...
MICHAEL: What do cows celebrate on Dec. 31? BOB: I don’t know. MICHAEL: Moo Year’s Eve! Joke by Michael H., Covington, Washington0 commentsLoading...
EDUARDO: What did the cow get for its birthday? ELIZA: What? EDUARDO: A cow-culator. Joke by Eduardo M., Alamo, California1 commentsLoading...
HAMILTON: What says, “ooooo ... ”? SARAH: I don’t know. What? HAMILTON: A cow with no lips. Joke by Hamilton P., Villa Rica, Georgia3 commentsLoading...